Your Student Assessment Team

Pasadena ISD Student Assessment 

1830 E. Sam Houston Parkway South

Pasadena, TX 77503

The Student Assessment Department is responsible for coordinating the administration of all state-mandated assessment programs for Pasadena Independent School District.  This includes STAAR for grades 3-8, STAAR End-of-Course and TELPAS for Emergent Bilingual Students, and TSIA2 for our students seeking post-secondary educational opportunities.  

In addition to these State programs, the Student Assessment department coordinates the administration of national assessment programs including NWEA/MAP, and the College Board Suite of Assessments including Advanced Placement (AP), PSAT, and SAT. Our role in the district has recently expanded and now includes the coordination of local designed exam administrations including Mock Exam Administration, Interim Exams, and the implementation of TFAR, the Texas Formative Assessment Resources for campuses across Pasadena ISD.

In addition to training campus personnel to administer the valuable assessments of student learning and achievement the department also coordinates the ordering, distribution, collection, and shipment of all test materials and works in collaboration and cooperation with other departs in Pasadena ISD to improve the educational opportunities for all students.

Explore the links below to learn more about your student assessment team members.

Blake Emmons

Director of Student Assessment

713-740-5250         Ext. 78154

Email Blake

Dr. Amy Duke

District Testing Coordinator

713-740-5246          Ext. 78150

Email Amy

Janette Montemayor

Student Assessment Secretary

713-740-5258          Ext. 78155

Email Janette

Patricia Fraga

Testing Clerk

713-740-5251           Ext. 78156

Email Patty